Volunteer with us

All dates for Event volunteering can be found under Events

Regular Volunteer Positions and Timeline

Set up crew 

1 hour before the event start time

Registration desk  

First 3 hours event

Monitors and hosting

There are two shifts:

from the 7:30 PM – 10:30 PM

& 10:30 PM – 1 AM

It could be different for different events

Tear down crew

Closing time till it is done, usually 1.5 hours

Class set up/ Market set up

30mins before the event start time

Some Markets the day before 

Daytime front desk  

First 7 hours event, typically 10:30-4:30

Flip the space from a daytime 

event to an evening space

2 hours before the evening event start time

Online Join our admin team!

The tasks and times vary

How do I sign up? For regular events? Fill in this form!


Is this the final list of things we need help with from volunteers?

No! Got an idea on how to help us? email us keancanadaevents@gmail.com 

Updated Jan 2025