Volunteer with us
All dates for Event volunteering can be found under Events
Regular Volunteer Positions and Timeline
Set up crew 1 hour before the event start time |
Registration desk First 3 hours event |
Monitors and hosting There are two shifts: from the 7:30 PM – 10:30 PM & 10:30 PM – 1 AM It could be different for different events
Tear down crew Closing time till it is done, usually 1.5 hours |
Class set up/ Market set up 30mins before the event start time Some Markets the day before
Daytime front desk First 7 hours event, typically 10:30-4:30 |
Flip the space from a daytime event to an evening space 2 hours before the evening event start time
Online Join our admin team! The tasks and times vary |
How do I sign up? For regular events? Fill in this form!